Switching valves

Switching valves Product Filter

Catalog Subchapter Title Title Image Characteristics Rated Size Nominal Volume Current Rated Pressure Datasheet
Accumulator unloading cartridge pilot operated Switching valves Accumulator unloading cartridge pilot operated US_PM22 pilot operated M22x1,5 30 l/min 350 bar 2.1-548
Accumulator unloading valve sandwich construction with 1-point adjustment Switching valves Accumulator unloading valve sandwich construction with 1-point adjustment US_SA04 pilot operated NG4-Mini 8 l/min 350 bar 2.1-920
Accumulator unloading valve sandwich construction with 1-point adjustment Switching valves Accumulator unloading valve sandwich construction with 1-point adjustment US_SA06 pilot operated NG6 24 l/min 350 bar 2.1-940
Accumulator unloading valve with 2 adjustable shifting points  Accumulator unloading valve with 2 adjustable shifting points ASPLV62 direct operated NG6 30 l/min 350 bar 2.1-950
Accumulator unloading valve sandwich construction with 1-point adjustment  Accumulator unloading valve sandwich construction with 1-point adjustment US_SA10 pilot operated NG10 30 l/min 350 bar 2.1-960