Proportional 2-way flow control cartridge (slip-on-coil) Q_PPM33

Proportional throttle valves, proportional flow control valves M33x2

Direct operated, pressure compensated proportional flow control valve as screw-in cartridge for cavity according to ISO 7789. With the solenoid deenergised, the control spool is held in the closed position (QN) or open position (QO) by a spring. The change of the electric current is followed by a proportional volume flow change. From the input (1), the fluid flows over the control and throttling spool to the controlled output (2). For the control, Wandfluh proportional amplifiers are available (see register 1.13).

Proportional valves Proportional 2-way flow control cartridge (slip-on-coil) Q_PPM33

Proportional 2-way flow control cartridge​

  • direct operated, pressure compensated
  • Qmax = 80 l/min
  • QN max = 80 l/min
  • pmax = 350 bar


Proportional flow control valves are suitable for precise speed ­control, where the load current has to be maintained constant independent of the input and output pressure. The screw-in cartridge is perfectly suitable for installation in control blocks and is installed in sandwich- (vertical stacked systems) and in flange plates (corresponding data sheets in this register). For machining the cartridge cavity in steel and aluminum blocks, cavity tools are available (hire or purchase). Please refer to the data sheets in register 2.13.