Proportional pressure relief valves, proportional pressure reducing valves NG4-Mini
Pilot or direct operated proportional pressure relief valve in flange or sandwich construction. When the operating pressure adjusted by means of the proportional solenoid is reached, the valve opens and connects the protected line with the drain to the tank. The back pressure in T influences the pressure in the secured oil line. These proportional valves are very sensitively adjustable. For flange or sandwich executions with pressure relief in port P, there is a manometer connection. For the control, Wandfluh proportional amplifiers are available (see register 1.13).

Proportional pressure relief valve
Flange- or Sandwich construction
- pilot or direct operated
- Qmax = 20 l/min
- pmax = 400 bar
These valves are used in hydraulic systems where the pressure has to be changed frequently. The electrical remote control in conjunction with process controls allows economical solutions with repeatable processes. Miniature values are used where both, reduced dimensions and weight are important.